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Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

Leonardo da Vinci-ren jaiotzaren urteurrena

Google-k gogora arazi digun bezala, 1452 urteko apirilaren 15ean, Florentziatik gertu dagoen Toskanako Vinci herrian Leonardo da Vinci artista, zientzilaria eta futurista jaio zen.

Leonardo da Vinci pintorea, disenatzailea, asmatzailea, zientifikoa, futurista, pentsalaria, ... izan zen, Errenazimentu garaiko eredua.

Joan zen egunean aipatzen genuen gizonek aurreikusten duguna asmatzeko erreztasun handiagoa dugula. Bada, horretan, beste gauza askotan bezala Leonardo maisu izan zen.

Zalantzarik gabe, prospicere, latinez urrutira begiratu, sarritan egiten zen gauza zen. Adibide batzuk ikustea baino ez dago: Leonardo Visions of the Future . Leonardoren paraxuta, tramankulo militarrak, tankeak, ....

Enviado por: Eneko Astigarraga. 18:24 | Permalink | Comentarios (6)


Re: Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

I cannot thank you enough for the positive impact you have had on my life.

Enviado por: Geometry Dash Wave Cuándo: 2024.05.10 04:44

Re: Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration and motivation in my life.

Enviado por: Strands NYT Cuándo: 2024.05.10 04:45

Re: Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

This article dropped, and it was like a breath of fresh air. It's like they took all that complicated stuff and broke it down into bite-sized pieces that actually make sense! Now I'm feeling super informed, and ready to tackle the future of work!

Enviado por: papa's games Cuándo: 2024.06.13 23:32

Re: Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

Unblocked games are popular for their accessibility in places like schools and workplaces, where gaming sites are often restricted. They offer a wide variety of genres and are easy to play with minimal setup. Being browser-based, they eliminate the need for downloads, reducing malware risks. Many also have active communities for sharing tips and experiences. Plus, most are free, making them a great option for casual gaming. However, it’s crucial to choose games from reputable sites to ensure safety and enjoyment.

Enviado por: unblocked games 76 Cuándo: 2024.09.19 22:12

Re: Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

The thrill of racing down those slopes and trying to dodge obstacles keeps me on the edge of my seat. I love how the game combines skill and speed it really challenges you to improve with each run. What’s your highest score? I’m determined to beat mine today!

Enviado por: Slope Unblocked Cuándo: 2024.09.27 13:34

Re: Leonardo da Vinci, etorkizuna aurreikusten

Leonardo da Vinci was a visionary who imagined concepts far ahead of his time, much like how idle breakout brings a modern twist to classic gaming. Both reflect creativity and innovation that stand the test of time.

Enviado por: idle breakout Cuándo: 2024.11.26 10:54

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